Prenatal Fitness Secrets

By Maria Birch

February 22, 2022

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I'd like to introduce you to Rachel McArdell and Chantal Law - prenatal fitness experts.

They are both pregnant and I've had the pleasure of meeting them at Sneak-A-Peek Ultrasound recently.

Chantal is a personal trainer, pilates teacher, and biomechanics coach. Rachel is a prenatal and postnatal fitness coach.

The reason for the introduction is that Rachel and Chantal have teamed up to help pregnant ladies improve their health, fitness, and well-being. They recently ran a successful 5-week prenatal course at Chantal's studio in Bideford and there will be another one in March.

The course will include:

  • Why exercise & staying active during your pregnancy is so important & beneficial
  • Nutrition and the role it plays during prenatal fitness
  • What you can do to try and stay healthy during pregnancy
  • What the pelvic floor is, how it changes during pregnancy, and what you can do to help
  • Labour preparation and hip mobility
  • How to recover quickly after birth
  • Prenatal fitness and health education
  • Custom-designed prenatal fitness workouts
  • Breakout Q&A sessions on prenatal fitness, health, and well-being

Whether or not this interests you, I have asked Rachel and Chantal if they'll do a Q&A session so you can ask them any questions you have about health, fitness, and well-being during pregnancy.

We might do this on Instagram Live.

Or maybe another way.

I don't know yet.

We'll work out the details soon.

If you'd like to get involved - and/or ask any questions - join my email newsletter below and I'll keep you posted.

Yours for a happy and healthy pregnancy,

Maria Birch.